ECOH (Employers' Coalition on Health)  

ECOH (Employers' Coalition on Health)
6660 Newburg Rd, PO Box 6863
Rockford, IL 61125-6863

Phone: 815-397-0790
Fax: 815-397-2790

ECOH (Employers' Coalition on Health)

What's New at ECOH


September 4, 2018


ECOH offers the best value in PPO networks in Northwest Illinois…period. And it also can provide each employee an opportunity to choose how large a network of providers they want, along with financial incentives they can understand for focusing on the most cost effective providers…incentives directly tied to the cost of insurance for the network they choose.  
Best discounts throughout Northwest Illinois
The Employers that make up ECOH have been negotiating for the best discounts available from local healthcare providers since 1994. All the medical providers in the greater Rockford area…11 counties… are part of at least one of ECOH’s networks. Those discounts are delivered to employer members directly with no “shared savings” being retained by ECOH. The full value of those networks is there for all to see. Network statistics are available to each member company as often as they want to see it…nothing hidden. Whether a company employs 40 employees, 400 employees or 4000 employees the information is available to see. That also gives employers and their brokers/consultants, the information they need to address the costs in their health plan whenever they need it.
Great insurance pricing
After the actual cost of patients claims, the next largest cost in an employer-sponsored health plan is the reinsurance to protect the plan against unexpected spikes in claim cost. ECOH has negotiated with reinsurance partners to make sure ECOH Employers get the lowest costs available for that insurance. Those reinsurers provide different prices for each of ECOH’s networks so ECOH Employers see just how much ECOH’s smaller limited networks save them. Combined with our discounted claim cost, that makes ECOH the best value, dollar for dollar, available today.
Finally, ECOH “runs a very tight ship”. With very few employees and the lowest overhead cost available, ECOH’s access fee, defined clearly in our Member Agreement, never becomes an issue in the cost of a self-funded health plan.
Watch your email for information on ECOH’s most comprehensive and cost effective solution yet! The ECOH Medical Home will be available on January 1, 2019 for employees choosing this delivery system for their families.
For more information, and for the opportunity to make sure you are getting the lowest healthcare provider cost available in Northwest Illinois, call Jim Knutson, ECOH’s Executive Director, at 815-316-3901 or email him at

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PPO Networks

© 2025 ECOH (Employers' Coalition on Health). All rights reserved. Contact ECOH

ECOH (Employers' Coalition on Health)
6660 Newburg Rd, PO Box 6863
Rockford, IL 61125-6863

Phone: 815-397-0790
Fax: 815-397-2790

To request auxiliary aids please email or dial 711.