What's New at ECOH
ECOH and Trilogy Working Together
May 17, 2017
ECOH, the Employers' Coalition on Health and Trilogy Health Solutions (Trilogy), based in Brookfield, WI have recently begun working together to offer employers in Southern Wisconsin and northwest Illinois better solutions to rising health care costs. This strategy became clear as recent mergers between provider health care systems resulted in the crossing of the two states' borders.
ECOH and Trilogy have a long history of providing cost management solutions to the self-funded employer community in their respective geographies. We will capitalize on our mutual expertise, marketing our two healthcare preferred provider organizations (PPOs) as a single-source solution when appropriate, and coordinating contracting efforts with providers going forward, including the build out of Trilogy's growing workers' compensation network.
Working together we are seeing great advantages including competitive stop loss pricing across state lines from reinsurers, as well as an increased efficiency in the electronic transfer of health care claims to Third Party Administrators (TPAs) for processing.
About ECOH
ECOH was formed in 1994 by employers in the Rockford community seeking a community-based solution to healthcare costs. We remain a strong source for cost management solutions ranging from our own PPO solution, very competitive stop-loss pricing for self-funded employers and effective cost management solutions for Prescription Drug costs and Dialysis cost management.
About Trilogy
Trilogy began its operations in 2006 as a group health insurance company, operating in the small group market in southeastern Wisconsin. In 2012, Trilogy exited the insured group health market and began to utilize its' favorable provider agreements to operate as a PPO. Trilogy has since expanded its geographical footprint as well as its line of services, now offering a workers' compensation network, a unique captive product, Collabricare, and claims repricing services to TPAs and PPOs. Through its provider agreements, services, and selected health care partners, including, but not limited to, pharmacy benefit management consultants, dialysis and transparency vendors, Trilogy provides the tools and resources to significantly minimize an employer's health care spend.